
Yumei FAN

—— The College English Department
15:04:43 23 May, 2017

资源 27-20.jpg

Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing

Head of Research Center for studying abroad in Japan

Postdoctoral researcher, Osaka University

Research Fields:

Cultural negotiation, language education, women and immigration research, overseas Communist Party research, Matsushita Konosuke research, qualitative research methods and practical research, etc.


D.A. 2008, Osaka University

Selected Publications and Research Grants: Yumei Fan once visited and studied at the University of California in the United States (2011-2013); Osaka University in Japan (2016-2017). Up till now she has published 4 books in Japanese and Chinese, including Why did they become children of God? ,Learner’s Story and 3 Japanese and Chinese textbooks including New Japan Society. Yumei Fan also presided over the completion of 2 scientific research projects of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; She has used life stories, ethnography, and rooted theories as research methodology, and has published more than 20 academic papers in important professional journals at home and abroad.