

2022-07-05 00:45:48

The Center for the Advancement of Language Sciences, University of Science and Technology Beijing

北京科技大学 当代语言科学研究中心


The establishment of the Center for the Advancement of Language Sciences (CALS) relies much on professional features of University of Science and Technology Beijing. Conforming to national strategic needs of language cognition and information processing, the Center is committed to promoting interdisciplinary studies in foreign language and information technology. Traditional behavioral methods (e.g., response times and eye tracking) as well as advanced neuroscience methodologies (e.g., ERP techniques, NIR Technology) techniques are employed to address to the questions of language cognition, language learning mechanisms, and intervention of language dysfunction. The findings have implications for improving language skills of language learners as well as suggestions for language policies.

当代语言科学研究中心隶属于北京科技大学,教学、科研、人事等运行事宜挂靠外国语学院进行管理。由学院领导兼任中心负责人,国内外著名专家担任顾问,海内外拔尖人才和院内科研骨干组成专兼职团队。目前研究中心主要成员包括主任薛锦教授,副主任任虎林教授和研究员张敬源教授。首席顾问包括Esther Geva 博士/教授(加拿大多伦多大学应用心理学和人类发展系 双语教育专家), John R. Kirby 博士/荣誉教授(加拿大女王大学教育学院/神经科学研究中心研究员),Liying Cheng 博士/教授(加拿大女王大学测试和评估中心主任)。

The CALS is subordinated to the University of Science and Technology Beijing and is administered by the School of Foreign Studies. The head of School is in charge of the Center, with world-renowned experts home and abroad as the consultants. The research team includes talents home and abroad, specifically some faculty members of the School. The key members in the center are Professor Jin XUE (the Director), Professor Hulin REN (the Deputy Director), and Professor Jingyuan Zhang (the researcher). The chief consultants are Professor Esther Geva (Applied Psychology and Human Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto), John R. Kirby (Faculty of Education, Queen's University) and Professor Liying Cheng (Assessment and Evaluation Group (AEG), at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University).


The CALS strives to conduct innovative and fundamental exploration in multi-disciplinary research and education with empirical data. It has endeavored to pursue “domestic top, internationally renowned” studies in language science.

本中心下设的实验室占地80m2,具备开展国际前沿语言科学研究的基本条件。实验室有国内外先进的语言认知行为量表、统计软件、语言心理行为编程软件,以及高精度的眼动(Eye-link 1000 plus)、脑电(Neuroscan 64 channel;eego™mylab,ANT Neuro)、近红外探测仪(NIRSport, NIRx Medical Technology LLC, Glen Head, NY, USA),以及行为和心理测查工具。这些设备为语言神经科学和语言心理行为科学的实验和测量提供支撑。

The CALS is equipped with an independent language sciences laboratory with an area of 80 m2. It has an eye tracker (Eye-link 1000 plus) that can collect the visual signal of adults and children in real time, an event-related potential electroencephalograph (Neuroscan 64 channel), a portable eego™mylab (ANT Neuro), and a portable fNIRS (NIRSport, NIRx Medical Technology LLC, Glen Head, NY, USA), and 4 operation platforms for behavioral and psychological asssement. It has tentatively realized the breakthrough in the technology of collecting the hebavioral and neuronal activity simultaneously and endeavored to explore the possibility of collaboration in multi-platform.


In the past five years, the faculties in the CALS have been awarded a number of grants, including 2 grants from National Science Foundation, 7 grants from National Social Science Foundation, 4 grants from Social Science Foundation of Beijing, 2 grants from Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, and 1 key project from National Office for Education Sciences Planning, with millions of funds in total. Many postgraduates, doctorates and researchers benefit a lot from the work and study in the Center in the fields of language skills, research methods and innovation ability.




CALS Research Activities


• Neurocognitive linguistics


• Experimental and applied psycholinguistics


• Speech & language disorders


• Information processing and language translation


• Instructed second/foreign language acquisition


• Intervention studies for speech and language disorders


• Brain-like application via computational linguistics



CALS Projects

• Establishment of the laboratory that hosts eye-tracking, neuroscan, fNIR, etc. language monitoring and simulating equipment is funded by the China Ministry of Education and the National Nature Science Foundation. CALS is now in its third funding cycle.


Other projects

2021-2023 国家社科基金中华学术外译项目 20万元
2021-2023 北京市哲学社科规划重点项目 2.25万元
2019-2022 国家社科基金一般项目 20万元
2019-2021 北京市哲学社科规划一般项目 8万元
2019-2020 美国教育考试服务中心国际合作项目 3.5万元
2019-2020 中央高校基本科研业务费 3万元
2018-2021 教育部人文社科一般项目 8万元
2018-2019 外专局2018年度高校重点外专项目 8万元
2017-2020 国家语委一般项目 8万元
老年人语言蚀失期的语用能力研究(YB135-46) (主持)
2016-2019 国家社科基金一般项目 20万元
2016-2019 中央高校基本科研业务费 10万元
2015-2018 北京市哲学社科规划重点项目 12万元
联接主义理论观照下的英语二语句子加工研究(15WYA009) (主持)
2015-2019 国家自然科学基金面上项目 8万元
2015-2019 国家社科后期资助子课题“外语学习困难” 7万元
2015-2018 国家自然科学基金“儿童手写运动促进中英文感知的认知神经机制 (31500915)(主持) 24万元
2016-2017 北京市教委重大课题计划项目 15万元
2015-2018 北京市社会科学项目 5万元
2015-2016 教育部和外国专家局“高端外国专家合作项目” 10万元
跨语言跨群体的语言学习机制研究 (主持)
2014-2015 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目 3万元
2014-2017 全国教育科学“十二五”规划国家青年基金项目(国家社科) 11万元
2013-2016 国家社科基金项目 6万元
2013-2015 全国教育科学“十二五”规划教育部重点项目 3万元
“中小学语言学困生学习心理发展特点及教育矫正研究” 已结题
2012-2014 冶金工程研究院基础理论研究基金: 2万元
“写作能力理论模型不变性和测量一致性基础研究” 已结题
2014-2019 (Co-PI) National Science Foundation-PIRE 参与项目
(Partnerships for International Researchand Education PIRE)
“Enhancing Worldwide STEM Reading Comprehension”
(1324807)(主持人Dr. Arthur Glenberg)
2012-2017 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: 参与项目
“Florida Learning Disabilities Research Center”
(P50HD052120)(主持人Dr. Richard Wagner)
2010-2015 美国NIH基金,“词汇处理与文本理解的ERP研究” 参与项目
(1R01 HD058566 01A1)(主持人Dr. Charles Perfetti)